Walk : Don't Walk 2016
My work is driven by a fascination with urban Space and Place – in particular the ‘Edgelands’ or liminal, between spaces of the city where a construction site or derelict building reveals the armature of our dwelling, showing the physical and material aspect of our ‘Being’ in the world.
Drawing upon my own experience and research within city space, I construct interactive installations, choreographing a journey with structure, rhythm, contrasting materials and colour, a physical space for the viewer to experience for themselves.
My intention in creating this kinaesthetic experience, is to put the audience temporarily in the position or role of the ‘Stranger’, or the ‘Foreigner’. In so doing we have a heightened sense of our bodies, of ourselves, of our existence and ‘Being’ within the world.
For the PG Humanities Rebirth conference 2016, I installed within the University of Dundee, Dalhousie Building a ramp and platform walkway constructed using re-appropriated wooden palettes found on the street. This structure, using materials associated with movement of goods and international transit, has been re-formed, painted, re-constructed, re-born to form a liminal threshold space to be negotiated by the viewer.
Wood, palettes, acrylic paint, wool. 1m x 4m x 3m