Impression - a small space for you
Delineated rectangular walls, the warmth of diffused light filtered through fragile, skin-like paper textures create an inviting space for the viewer to enter. Reminiscent of Japanese paper shoji screens, these walls however, are punctured and impressed with anamorphic body shapes.
Printed lines of paper clothing patterns hint at the intended body presence and shape.
In this installation, the artist explores the ways in which we inhabit spaces, making them our own, leaving our ‘impression’ and delineated markings on our surroundings, whether they be real or imagined, in our wake.
‘Impression’ can be said to be a structure of ‘being here’. An articulation perhaps of how it feels to ‘be’ in the world - sometimes a fleeting impression - momentary, fragile, passing and diffused.
The artist’s intention is to imbue the viewer with a sense of body awareness, rhythm, movement, ‘being here’.
Impression - a small space for you
Tracing, pattern & greaseproof papers, bias binding, acrylic paint, steel wire, bulldog clips.
2.5 x 2 x 3m